Riga, Latvia, Baltic States
Riga 12 Mar 2025, 06:26
The Central Market in Riga is the largest market in Europe. It consists of 4 main pavilions (meat, fish, vegetable and dairy pavilions) that come around commercial rows and stalls.
Lido is a restaurant and amusement park at the same time. The fact that there are no other permanent venues such as this close to the centre makes it the most popular haunt for children.
People like to ride by bike on Andrejsala to sit in the port and watch on quiet water, ships in the distance and amazing sunset.
Kalnciema Quarter - the place for cultural events: arts and crafts, cultural events, food and architectural heritage.
The historical Bergs Bazaar shopping arcade is an oasis in the heart of Riga.
One of the most impressive examples of early Art Nouveau in Riga.
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