Riga, Latvia, Baltic States
Riga 25 Mar 2025, 17:22
The Rundāle Palace built during the 16th century was located on the northern side of the pond. It can be seen in the design of F. B. Rastrelli as a small square field with towers in the corners. Rundāle Manor was already created at the end of the 15th century.
One of the main sights of Latvia
Cinema town Cinevilla represents a scenery in the open air. Its construction was started in May, 2004 specially for historical film „Rigas Sargi” (Guards of Riga) shooting.
One of the most famous Latvian sights - must see!
Interesting museum with modern exhibits about famous artist Mark Rothko and his art-works
A church with one of the largest organ in Europe
This is the castle around which in 13th century Cesis was formed.
Exact reconstruction of ancients Latvians fortress
Magic forest inhabited by Latvian folktales heroes
Enjoy lilac and classical music
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