Riga, Latvia, Baltic States
Riga 12 Mar 2025, 06:18
The building of the Latvian National Museum of Art in Krišjāņa Valdemāra Street 10 is one of the most representative in the Park and Boulevard Circle area of Riga!
Original Latvian farmhouses and the dwellings of fishermen and craftsmen were brought here from all over the country.
More than 300 examples of different hats from all over the world you can now see in the silent centre of Riga. All collected by Russian ethnographer and traveller Kirill Babaev.
The exposition of the museum reflects the history of both Latvian and global medicine and pharmacology.
The Latvian National Museum of Art collections of foreign art in the architectural monument of Riga Bourse that was built between 1852 and 1855 and created in Venetian Renaissance palazzo style, symbolising wealth and abundance.
The Arsenāls Exhibition Hall of the Latvian National Museum of Art (LNMA) at 1 Torņa Street is the largest art exhibition hall in Riga; it is housed in a significant architectural monument, an early 19th-century customs warehouse building or arsenal built in the late Russian Classicism style of the late Russian Classicism; it has now been converted to suit the needs of a museum. It occupies the building which is the monument of architecture of the XIX century. Collection of Latvian art of the period from the beginning of the XX centuries till present days.
Museum occupies premises in Riga’s Castle. The most significant collections of paintings and drawings: Holland and Flanders (XVII), Germany (XVI-XIX), Belgium (beginning of XX).
Interesting museum with modern exhibits about famous artist Mark Rothko and his art-works
The museum was opened in 1989 in former St. George’s Church - the oldest stone building in Riga. The museum presents a collection of artworks of the period starting from the end of the XIX century.
Private museum, art workshop. History, antiques, art deco. Pictures of Alexandra Chudnovsky.
This is one of the oldest museums in Europe and it deals with the history of Riga from its foundation to 1940.
This museum was the dwelling house of rich merchants in the 17th and18th centuries. The wall and ceiling paintings are unique.
Despite its inconvenient location, this museum is worth visiting. It’s the only car museum in the former USSR, and it is included on the list of the world’s 30 best technical museums and is among Europe’s Top-5.
The museum was founded in 1994 and is situated in a former 19th century locomotive factory. The exposition includes examples of uniform, road equipment tickets and train timetables.
Latvijas Ugunsdzēsības muzejs atrodas Rīgā, Hanzas ielā 5, 1910.gadā pēc arhitekta Reinholda Georga Šmēlinga projekta būvētajā jūgendstila ēkā.
This museum was founded in 1845. The exposition is divided into six sections: Geology, Botany, Zoology, Anthropology, Nature Protection, and Palaeontology.
The first Munchhausen Museum is situated in Germany. The second one - in Dunte, in renovated manor house where, together with his wife Jacobine, once lived real baron Karl Friedrich Hieronymus von Munchhausen - prototype of the famous literary character.
The only one museum of porcelain in the Baltic countries was opened in the end of 2001. Its collection contains more than 6000 porcelain items made since 1841.
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