
Photo by: Philipp Korting/flickr.com

Kaunas is the second largest city in Lithuania. In 1920 – 1940 it was temporal capital of Lithuania, because the part of the country, where its real capital – Vilnius is located, was occupied by Poland. The most interesting will be to visit well-preserved old town, where are a lot of architectural monuments: Kaunas castle, gothic house of Pjarkunas, church of Vitautas the Great and saint Gertruda, Kaunas town hall – “The White Swan” and others. In Kaunas is situated famous “devils museum” as well as museum of Ciurlionis.

Kaunas map

All Lithuanian regions

Klaipeda - 216 кkm

Bauska - 198 km

Birstonas - 45 km

Druskininkai - 136 km

Vilnius - 101 km

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Extra information

information for touristsTourist information center: Laisves 36, Phone: +370 37 32 34 36, turizmas@takas.lt

Kaunas website

Tourist information center of Kaunas

How to reach Kaunas

Kaunas airport receives direct flights from European cities: Munich, Cologne, Hamburg, Billund and Oslo. Kaunas airport.

The modern highway join Kaunas with Lithuanian capital - Vilnius. Travel time - 1 h 35 min. Bus schedule.

Vy car from Riga. Travel time - 3 h 20 min.


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M.K. Ciurlionis

National art museum of M.K. Ciurlionis

The museum was founded in 1921 and dedicated to M.K. Ciurlionis – famous Lithuanian artist and composer. You can not only see his works, but also hear them – in musical hall of museum are playing recorders of Ciurlionis symphonies. Also in museum is exhibition of art and sculpture of 17-20 centuries.


Kaunas hotels

Hotels in Kaunas

Hotels, guest houses, apartments and other accommodation options in Kaunas.

Laisves avenue in Kaunas

Laisves avenue

Pedestrian street, founded in 19th century, is stretched on 1.6 km across old and new parts of the city. This is the only smoke free street in Europe.

Devils museum

Museum of devils

A funny museum, based on the collection of Lithuanian artist Antanas Žmuidzinavičius. He was collecting devils, witches from around the world. Among exhibits are figures of devils, made from materials of any kind and different stuff, for example, pens, candlesticks, cups, made in the form of devils. In museum are often held thematic exhibitions, you can buy souvenir.

Pazaislis abbey

Pazaislis abbey

Abbey ensemble was built in 17th century and it’s one of the most beautiful architectural buildings in baroque style in Lithuania. The building was constructed under the guidance of Florence masters. Today this is the architectural monument that every tourist must visit, especially in summer, when here are held classic music concerts.

Zoo in Kaunas


In the city center is a zoo, which has been working since 1938. Here live thousands bird species and more than 2000 animals, like bears, camels, zebras and others. The zoo is opened all year round.

Active rest in Kaunas

Active rest

In Kaunas are many bowling centers, tennis courts, as well as several golf courses and stables. About this and others activities opportunities you can learn on Kaunas tourist website.

Castle in Kaunas

The Kaunas Castle

The castle was built in 14th century as a defense from crusaders. Just around it formed a settlement that later has grown into the city. In 1362 castle was destroyed, but today you can see it reconstructed.

Funicular in Kaunas


In Kaunas still works funicular, established 70 years ago. It is used as well as an entertainment. For example, from old town you can rise to the Aleksot hill which has a platform with breathtaking view on Kaunas.

Aquarium in Kaunas

The highest aquarium in Baltic

This is the highest aquarium in Baltic and one of the highest in the world – its height 10 meters. It is located in a shopping mall “Mega”. In aquarium, together with sharks swim more than 30 species of tropical fishes which are fed by professional divers. You can see the process of feeding yourself.

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