Riga, Latvia, Baltic States
Riga 26 Mar 2025, 02:12
Rehabilitation center "Baltija" offers 2nd A level in-house medical rehabilitation and sanatorium treatment services. Building is equipped for the disabled.
The sanatorium “BELORUS” is situated in the central part of Druskininkai, the health resort in the southern part of the Republic of Lithuania.
The 5 buildings of the rehabilitation center are arranged around a picturesque 6 ha park in Druskininkai and capable of accommodating 300 guests.
New sanatorium "Egle" in Birstonas offers an accommodation for 320 guests.
Eglė+ is the newest complex of the Medical Spa Eglės Sanatorija. It is a separate complex housing residential facilities, individual treatment centres, leisure facilities, and a canteen under one roof.
The center consists of three residential blocks containing 250 newly renovated rooms and a medical unit.
Gradiali Health Centre provides rehabilitation, treatment and medical restoration services.
"Palangos Gintaras" is located in the southern part of Palanga Town, at the astonishing Baltic seaside.
The sanatorium is located at the seashore, within 5 km from Palanga Airport and 3 km from the town centre. It lies in a restful and picturesque spot, amid pines
"Tulpes" sanatorium located beside a loop of the river Nemunas is the first sanatorium established in 1926 in Birstonas having long-lasting traditions of healing with mineral water and peat mud.
"Versme" sanatorium can treat and accommodate 340 people at once. Up to 5000 clients visit sanatorium sanatorium during a year, and its services have already been used by over 200 000 clients!
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