Riga, Latvia, Baltic States
Riga 26 Mar 2025, 02:02
As the largest gastroenterological center in Latvia, GASTRO offers a full spectrum of services — from diagnostic and detection to treatment of digestive tract diseases — and has been operating for more than 10 years.
The Latvian American Eye Center (The Center) was the first and still is a unique model of a private eye clinic in the Baltic States based on principles of patient care and state-of-the-art technology famous in the USA to provide specialist eye treatment for adults and children.
Dr. Lukins' Eye Clinic is superbly equipped. With top notch specialists, having performed more than 7000 visual correction surgeries — approaching each patient’s needs individually — the highest quality care is our paramount goal.
ORTO clinic is a certified outpatient and inpatient health care clinic in Latvia, which has been operating since 2008. During these years, ORTO clinic has consulted over 40 000 patients, and about 7 000 operations have been performed.
We consider one client’s, a young man’s statement, “Your place is not cheap but is very cosy and nice” a compliment and a testimonial that characterizes best the values we represent – faithfulness and exclusiveness.
Children's Clinical University Hospital is the only specialized children's multi-profile medical treatment institution in Latvia that provides emergency, secondary and tertiary health care outpatient, day-patient and in-patient services.
The main task of the clinic is to provide reproductive health care to the patients and to provide the opportunity to become parents for those, facing a diagnosis of infertility.
Hair loss is not only a cosmetic problem; it is also a medical problem.
This laboratory is the only ocular prosthesis company in the Baltic States whose highly experienced specialists regularly improve their knowledge and skills in Germany, Great Britain and USA.
Most of women, who want to make permanent make up, choose Professional Micropigmentation Center.
Сlinic employs 25 professionally educated and reliable workers who take care for ensuring comfort to our patients and fulfilling their wishes.
Caring, listening, satisfying…
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