​Our excellent premises and professional approach will help to ensure the success of your next event!

Be it a presentation or a gala banquet, a conference or a convention, the Conference and Banquets Center of the Bellevue Park Hotel Riga combines modern technology and faultless service with the elegant flair and attentiveness of a dedicated staff.

The hotel’s eight conference halls and meeting rooms are bright and spacious. All of them have a daylight view and a good ventilation system to keep you alert and comfortable throughout the day.

Every conference hall has a WI- FI Internet connection, a built-in sound system and a good acoustic isolation, permitting organization of several events at the same time. The following eight rooms can accommodate up to 1100 people and occupy a total area of 1200 m2.

We realize the importance of high quality and state- of- the- art audio- visual equipment for meetings and conferences. The on-site audio-visual professionals of the hotel’s Conference Center will make sure that your presentation is both seen and heard. From flip charts and slide projectors to large-screen televisions and video-conferencing, our experienced staff will provide you with all of the equipment that you require and will be there to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

The Bellevue Park Hotel Riga Conference and Banqueting Team will assist you with pleasure.

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