Restaurant's style, interior and atmosphere are ideal for various events from business lunches to romantic dates and meeting with friends.

We are happy to offer our guests versatile cuisine for gourmets and lovers of exotic foods and traditional European dishes.

You will be able to find a wide assortment of different kinds of pizza in our restaurant according to your own taste, and you will know what the real Italian pizza is. Tried our pizza, baked according an ancient Italian recipes with adding spices and sauces, and you will find yourselves in the streets of Palermo or Neapol.

Here everything is done to make our guests comfortable. Attentive and helpful waiting staff will acquaint you with new dishes on our menu. Our restaurant is situated in the very heart of Jūrmala resort at the beginning of pedestrian Jomas Street.

28 last month

7 last month


Jomas iela 42, Jūrmala
+371 20240000

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