The House of Blackheads was first mentioned in 1334. It was originally a place for citizen gatherings.
In the XV century) Riga counsil rented the main hall to the Blackhead Brotherhood - a union of young unmarried foreign merchants. They chose St. Mauricius - his symbol - a black head is captured on the coat of arms of the brotherhood.
The Blackheads used the building for representative needs and also stored the goods there. There was also a secret passwge leading to their own harbour on the Daugava.
BEST Riga Tours and Things to Do
The Bouse of Blackheads was severely damaged during bomb-attacks in 1941 and it was decided not to reconstruct it after the war. However, in 2001, before Riga's 800th anniversary, it was rebuilt. There is a museum and a concert hall in the House of Blackheads.
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Rātslaukums 7, Rīga
Ratslaukums 7